Thursday, June 15, 2017

Visit to North Shore Commercial Fishing Museum

Yesterday being our first day in the 'North', we wanted to get out and see something, regardless of how the weather was.  Again, we had storms during the night and yesterday morning dawned with very overcast skies, forecast was not going to get much better.  Lets go do something 'inside'.

We traveled back down Route 61 to the town of Tofte (Toff - tee), about 26 miles south, and stopped at the North Shore Commercial Fishing Museum.  We asked the gentleman who greeted us why here, what is the story?  This museum was founded as a result of the old-timers fishing people who had settled in the area from Norway, Sweden, and other Scandinavian countries to keep their stories alive.  It started as a historical society and then grew to be a museum.  What a charming little museum!  Packed with so much to tell you.

I really like this picture of 2 women with their catch, taken in 1929

Bill told us that he was born not far from here, in a logging camp, where his parents worked.  They were immigrants from Norway.  When he was still a toddler, his parents moved to Tofte and built and managed the general store for 49 years, selling it and retiring just a few years ago.  But on Sunday when the store was closed, Bill, his father, and his 2 brothers would go fishing.  So, Bill could relate to many of the stories and history of the 'old-timers'.
This photo is very similar to what we drove through Tuesday.  Oh boy.

Fish houses in the area 

The building itself is a replica of a fish house, a structure that settlers built before they built their home on the lake.  The pictures, the displays, wooden boats on display, very well done.  A hidden gem.

On a side note - we are having a time with Pache.  When we got him from the shelter this past December, we noticed he was a horder - he would fixate on a toy or item, play with it, then hide it under the bed so Buddy could not get it - he would look at us and say - THAT'S MINE!  An item he loves is water bottle tops, give one to him and he's in heaven.  You have to play catch with him, then he will take it and hide it, only to find it a day later in the weirdest place.  Yesterday when we got back from the museum, we noticed the floor was soaking wet.  Found a water bottle he tried to get out of the package it comes in with a hole in it, half empty.  But, that little bit of water missing did not justify ALL the wetness.  Sure enough, he had gotten another bottle out of the pack, poked a hole in it probably by carrying it- and that is what emptied all over.  The little SH__!  Now we have to pack all the water bottles away, in a closed container.  He also has a fetish for the plastic doobie pad that I use to clean dishes.  Will find it in the bedroom, on the dash of the RV, under front passenger seat.  He is a hoot!  And yes, he is almost healed - still has a slight limp.  Buddy and Pache are the best buds, we are so glad we got Buddy his brother.

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