Friday, May 8, 2020

Little Things in Life

Sitting tight here in Oro Valley, Arizona, have no plans to head out this summer - so far.  Checked with our friends who go to Colorado for the summer - they said that they could not leave yet because the county where they stay is still locked down and not allowing outsiders to come in.  So they wait, as well as we wait to see what happens with this COVID19.  Still being very careful, some places we have gone have required face masks or no entry.  I was busy earlier in March and April making masks for friends and family - made enough for us to have a spare.  I lost count of making masks after 80.  Got hard to do since elastic was not to be found anywhere.
I made lots of these puppies - and quite colorful!
We have been busy with the place, loving the evenings and watching the sunsets.  As they say in Oro Valley - when the mountains (Catalina Mountains) turn pink, it's time for a drink.  And since the weather has really gotten hot (105 yesterday) we are out walking the streets (very friendly, have bike and walk lanes) of the complex to see how others live and what their places look like - specifically landscaping ideas, as early as 5:30am - at least we are not sweating yet.
Loved that we bought some furniture from Ohio - Amish made.
We made some really big changes already - besides painting the entire inside of the home, closets and all, but had to replace appliances that died.  Not planned on at all - but oh well, gotta do what you need to do.
View from the back yard

View looking from inside to out
We have been watching the moon rising over the mountains in the evening and was blown away by a herd - 14 of them - of javelinas (wild pigs, if there are babies they can be very aggressive but for the most part, they are happy go-lucky).  Since there were little babies, we stayed quite clear of them.

And then the other evening looking out our dining room window, a bob cat was sitting on the brick fence in the back.  And we have seen one crossing the street in front of us as we sit and stare at the mountains in the evening.
Here kitty kitty 

We are unsure if we will head out this summer.  We are not anxious to drive to a place and then just sit in the RV because nothing is open or we have to be quarantined.  We will take the RV out for rides occasionally and see how the summer progresses.  In the meantime we are enjoying tinkering and doing projects.  In the air condition!  And watching the pink mountains.
Looking up to Mount Lemmon - the observatory is up there as well
as the ski area


Folks have a Southern Live Oak tree in front - they came to eat the nuts
We could hear them crunching from where we were standing
Small  baby!!!