Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Longmire and Wildflowers

One more day into Mt. Rainier National Park to see some more sights and to spend time stopping to take pictures and hopefully see wildflowers.  The first day we visited the park it was raining and visibility was very low so we could only guess at what might be beyond the mist and clouds.  We were not disappointed in the views.

Hot Springs at Longmire
Came into the park via the Nisqually Entrance which is the west side entrance and stopped again at Longmire Visitors Center.  There is a Trail of the Shadows walk across the road from the center and the ranger said it was a pleasant .7 mile walk with interpretive signs.  I had read that back in the 1880's the Longmire family settled where the visitor center is now and started a hotel for visitors.  What I didn't know is that there were hot springs which is the main reason why they chose that place.  Smelled and looked like we were in Yellowstone National Park again - the sulphur (rotten egg) smell and the rust colored ground  and steam vents with hot bubbling water all around.  Which means - we have an active volcano right in front of us.  Very humbling.  Made those signs we have seen 'volcano evacuation route' more meaningful.

Walked the trail and was delighted at all the fauna and smells and birds singing.  If you don't walk any other trail in the park, you would get a good flavor of the ancient forest sights and smells with this quick little walk.  Amazing that when you are out of the forest the temperature is at least 10 degrees warmer. Warm day again - about 15 degrees above normal - was about 86 in full sun. Could stay in the forest my whole life - the coolness, the sounds of the birds, the smell of the conifer trees, the peacefulness of being among the giant trees - a slice of heaven.

Pretty wildflowers!
After our walk our next goal was to head east bound towards Box Canyon which is a very deep narrow canyon with a fast moving river running through the bottom of it. All along the road you would see bright red flowers and purple and lilac flowers, bright orange, white bells, yellow flowers - just beginning to entice you to stick around for the grand show in about two more weeks.

Reflection Lake
Stopped at Reflection Lake - still quite a lot of snow around the lake but the lake was open.  Caught a great shot of Rainier in the lake's reflection.  Another week and you won't have to worry about any snow.  Stopped at Paradise Visitors Center and was shocked at how fast the snow has melted.  Lots of people - and it will get more crowded with the holiday coming. Paradise is called thus because a visitor remarked that the area was paradise with all the wildflowers abounding.  Another two weeks and it will be paradise for sure.

Mt. St. Helens
At Box Canyon we did the 1/2 mile interpretive walk.  As we stood over the bridge and looked down 120 feet to the river and gorge we both said - hmmmm- slot canyon! The difference being the slot canyon is formed from limestone and sandstone and has entrance and exit where a box canyon has three sides - the river was falling down into the canyon and out. The wow factor - when we stood on the bridge looking down into the canyon then looked up - Mt. St. Helens was staring back at us - only I thought it was Rainier realized that it wasn't.  Wow.

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