Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tarantulas and Such

Since we are sitting tight here in Picacho Peak for a couple of months, we haven't done alot of sightseeing. However, I realized yesterday that between Dave and myself, we have put over 2000 miles on the vehicle! Yikes, so what have we been doing? Besides visiting with the grandgirls at least 3 times a week, we are still looking at other campgrounds to make sure that Arizona is the best fit for us in the winter. We have been up to Flagstaff area and down to Tombstone area and west to Tonopah (about 90 miles from Yuma) and east as far as Apache Junction. Florida? Don't want to go back there for many reasons: too expensive, too many old people, too congested, too many Quebecians, way way too many people from New York , and of all the campgrounds only 2 were acceptable enough to go back to. Texas -wonderful. But, only if you can get to way south near South Padre Island (Brownsville) and McAllen/Mission areas. The downside is that Texas is huge and you drive and drive and drive to get going again on your journey after your stay. We loved Texas and will go back there in the spring or fall, not summer when it's too hot, to see the rest of the western state, someday.

Lots of observations about where we are. Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Washington are the typical license plates of most of the cars and trucks here. Which makes sense - it's a straight shot down the interstate to here. Weather - beautiful! Day temps about 70 to 75, nights down to 40. Sunny, light breeze if any, clear skies. Nice. But have to say I am missing some things. Like: green grass, maple/elm/oak/hickory - for that matter - any hardwood trees would be nice to see, my family in Cleveland although I will get to see my sister and husband when they come to Lost Wages (Las Vegas) late February but miss the rest of the nutty group of family and friends. I miss seeing the birds and waterfowl of Lake Erie, miss my church family in Lorain Ohio.

Now - here's what you miss by not being here. Tarantulas. I saw a baby the other day - baby size was 2 inch body with the hairiest legs. One acquaintance here said that she saw an adult - body size of 6 inches, walking down the roadway, just loping along. She said - common sight. However, by having these spiders around, the scorpions stay away. And get this - at night we are invited to scorpion hunts here in the park - they take a special blue light and go looking for these boogers and kill them. I don't think so! Also found out that you will not die from a tarantula bite, just get pretty sick. And scorpion bite? Well, if you are elderly or sick to start - not a good thing - your days are numbered. Rattlesnakes - they have killed 3 in the park in the last year - but usually they come out when there has been alot of rain. Note to self - stay inside after a rain! I used to wear flip flops ALOT and now I wear my tennies everytime I go outside the RV. We are supposed to stomp our feet at night if we are walking around. And javalinas - wild pig like animal. The manager said that at night they tend to roam through the park. But like pecking order - they hunt the snakes and tarantulas, and of course any other small animal. I have heard coyotes singing a couple of nights ago - a lovely, lonely sound. Birds? Lots and lots of hummingbirds, saguaro loving woodpeckers (flickers), roadrunners, small cactus birds. These guys make pretty sounds. All in all - I like this area we are in. And if I need snow - Flagstaff.

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