Since last post we have been to Chandler (where Jill and family are) more than we thought we would. One of the girls had strep throat, another wasn't doing good either, and so had to stay home from school - which meant could we help out? Spent a couple of days there keeping the kiddos comfortable and doing what comes naturally in a home - laundry, straightening up house, errands, cooking, dishes, etc. Was fun - but we both felt

once we left that we like our little RV - not as much to do or pick up. We were still looking around and seeing best fit for next winter and have found that Picacho Peak RV Resort is our best of the best, we will be back here next winter for sure - have already talked to the folks about it. And an exciting thing will happen in about 5 weeks - a Civil War reenactment will take place and we plan to be there to watch the activities. We witnessed a reenactment at East Harbor State Park in Ohio and that was really cool. We hope this one coming up will be just as interesting and educational. Did we tell you that this is Arizona's 100th year anniversary? So - not only will there be things going on at the Peak but also celebrations for the statehood. Yesterday after

running some errands in Tucson we drove up to Mount Lemmon, over 9,127 feet tall and the neatest thing - we can see this mountain from our campsite. And it's snow
covered to boot and we can also see the snow from our campground. We went too late in the day and didn't make it to the top but knew that when we go back, there will be an entire day looking around, hiking, seeing the town. We found out that the ski resort at the top is the southern most ski destination in the continental US. Amazing! We saw a rapeller on one of the hoodoos (look closely - you can

see him on top of that hoodoo) and were amazed that he could get up there. As he laid down to rest after climbing up, we saw 2 turkey vultures flying over him and I think he got a bit miffed and decided to then repel down. No lunch for those vultures! This mountain will definitely be on our list of things to do when guests come in. There are two towns at the top of the mountain and they say there are ski lifts and some restaurants and stores - looking forward to going up there again. Very pretty, waterfalls, lots of hiking and camping, although I don't think we would ever take the RV up there - too scary and steep. In one of the pictures above you can make out the road which snakes back and forth at very steep inclines. We did see at one of the campgrounds a number of RVs - bet it gets pretty cold at night! But to hear the coyotes again - would be worth it in the spring/early fall.
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