Sunday, October 13, 2019

Grindstone Lake, Ruidoso, New Mexico

We walked the Grindstone Loop Trail the other day, absolutely beautiful weather, did get a bit breezy later in the walk, but stunning views.  Grindstone Lake (Reservoir) is a man-made lake in the city limits of Ruidoso which supplies the water needs for the area.  And we were quite surprised at how full it was, typically reservoirs begin their draw-down to get ready for the winter snow/melt.  As we were walking along the lake we found 3 sources of how the reservoir gets it water, catch basins set up just outside of the reservoir to catch debris as the rivers and creeks flow down.  That way it stays relative clean, where the Bonita Lake/reservoir is going through a major dredging due to the ash and debris that flowed into that lake from the forest fire of 2007.  They are also doubling the capacity of water, and that water is pumped 90 miles away to Alamogordo.
The view from the car in the parking lot

Never have seen a muddy meter before
Looking across - the dam is at the far end

Saw something moving - it was a city employee walking around up there
Wasn't quick enough with camera but he was pulling up a 4 pounder? bass
Back to the hike - a little confusing at first as to where the trail starts, no clear signage at the parking lot.  We just followed along a very wide dirt road and then at the northern point where one of the creeks dumps into a catch basin, we started up the Grindstone Loop trail.  Followed it back into the ravine a bit, then it looped back up against the lake, making it to the dam where we then turned around and came back.
At far north end, the dam way up to left in picture 
The catch basin for one of the creeks 
What is that?

A turtle!
Osprey landed in tree

Pretty scenery.  Lots of wildlife - a number of ospreys flying over head and then landing in the trees, a turtle surfaced out of the water and climbed up on a log to sun, ducks quacking away, lots of people fishing along the shore.  We also saw 2 inflatable rafts with fishermen in them, and by the time we got back to the car the wind was really blowing and they gave up.
Hard to read signage - picked the Grindstone Loop Trail

Trail looped back to lake - saw this guy fishing
Smelled him before we saw him - smoking a cigar
Roost set up for osprey - no one home
Made it to other side by dam, turned around and traipsed back
Since elk and deer are being spotted in town (warning signs all along the major roads) we were on the lookout for them but I think with all the people, there was too much noise.  Nice little walk.
Sierra Blanca in distance 
Osprey was very busy

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