Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Land Between the Lakes, Kentucky

We moved from Corbin to a small town called Benton, Kentucky which is located right on the Tennessee River which is part of the Land Between the Lakes National Recreational Area, bordering Kentucky and Ohio.  The ride started out pretty hairy - Buddy decided this was another of his rides that he would get sick, and boy, did he.  Only pulled out of the campground 1 mile and the howling started.  Dave did not get on the Interstate yet, pulled over, I went in back and held his poor head while he vomited all over a rag I was holding under his chin.  Not once, but 3 times.  Poor cat.  Once he got what food he had in his belly out, he settled down or should I say hunker down, in the closet and we did not hear a peep out of him until we stopped about 10 miles from the campground to fill up the RV's gas tank.  Poor guy.  I can't figure out when or why he gets sick, the routine is always the same for us to prep him with drugs before leaving the site.

Add caption very scenic roads, very pleasant to drive

Drought going on, most rivers are almost dried up.  Pretty scary. 

Passed the Corvette museum
Jefferson Davis memorial near Fairview, Kentucky
We thought this was a distillery, it's a tobacco-less (VAPE) factory
This is the real tobacco drying sheds near Hopkinsville
Anyhow, traveled on Parkways westward, we have officially turned west to head for our winter hide out.  Feels good.  No more sun in our eyes.  Roads were absolutely lovely, and pretty empty of traffic.  In and out of small little towns, the Parkway we were on is the future Interstate 66, so most of the exits for small towns had already been built to divert traffic to the business section of the roadway and we did not have to stop for traffic lights.
Nearing bridge over the Cumberland River
Cumberland River, very shallow river (boaters typically don't boat here, only kayaks)
And second bridge over Tennessee River
Lots of water!
And we are here
I did not know that Jefferson Davis was from Kentucky, and also that he was born same year and not far from Abraham Lincoln.  Funny how your path in life can be parallel and yet end up so different in the outcome.

Hah.  Too bad I don't like whiskey.
Passed over the 2 bridges of the Land Between the Lakes, first bridge was over the Cumberland River and then the second over the Tennessee River at which point we headed up north on the western banks of the Tennessee towards the campground.  Cumberland and Tennessee both flow into the Ohio River near Paducah, and then the Ohio flows into the Mississippi near Saint Louis.

We chose to come to this area (Land Between the Lakes) because 49 years ago Dave came here with his 2 year old son, and his brother and 2 sons, plus his brother-in-law and his 2 sons (lots of folks) to camp and see.  He wanted to see if he remembered the area, and to see some of the sights.  All they did was fish and swim, not sight see.

Did a drive around, a haven for fishing/camping/hunting/ORV
Pretty darn hot here.  In mid 90's with humidity percentage in high 90's which makes for a steamy stay.  A/c is only on at night, we tripped the breakers the first day here, the heat on the RV where the breakers sit just could not compensate for the temp.  Once the sun got off the RV (we are in a pretty wooded area right up against the water's edge) the a/c worked and we could get some sleep.
6:45am, 97% humidity.  Ugly.

Will stay only a couple more days then head to Arkansas.

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