Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Wells History and Angel Lake

When we checked in yesterday here in Wells, Nevada, the manager gave us a map of the town and on the back listed places of interest.  One of those was the Emigrant Center in town.  So today we went to see what that was all about.  Actually, the name is Trail of the 49ers Interpretive Center.  This place is dedicated to preserving the history of the 49ers who migrated to California (California Emigrants also known as) in search of gold and silver.  It detailed the emigrants journey, why they came across the area, the Conestoga wagon and what was packed inside and how the wagon maneuvered.  Very interesting.  Since we have visited a number of Interpretive Centers, I did not learn anything new but for someone new to the emigrant journey, very well documented.

Different emigrant routes

 In 2008 the town of Wells had a 6.0 earthquake and many buildings were destroyed.  Due to the strict building codes and the Nevada state regulations on using union people to rebuild, many establishments could not afford to rebuild.  Hence many buildings in town are still standing but condemned.  Sad.
Right across the street from the Interpretive Center, damage from earthquake

The docent that took us through the center also mentioned that the wagon ruts can still be seen, just at the edge of town.  And yes, you can still see them.  She also asked us if we had visited Angel Lake.  She was there 2 days ago and the snow is melting and it is beautiful.

Ruts still visible 
Off we went to the ruts, found them, then drove to Angel Lake. Talk about Wow!  Gorgeous.  Breathtaking, beautiful. The mountain is just coming alive from the winter snows, buds on the trees and bushes, small little flowers just peeking out.  Seeing the waterfall across the lake, the snow capped mountain sides.  Small guppies swimming in the lake, Dave saw a snake sliver away underwater, birds chirping.  An unexpected surprise.  Can see where Angel Lake would see many visitors in the summer.  Stunning!
Ride up to Angel Lake 
Parked, where is the lake?
Stepped up to rocks - wow!

Water cascading but them going behind snow
Runoff from snow melt
Looking south towards Becky Mountain (10,008 feet)
Saw 6 firefighters on way up, but no sign of them coming down

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