Sunday, October 11, 2015

Taos, Enchanted Circle, and Arrow Shot

We are a little elevation challenged (came from under 5000 feet to 8258 feet) so we decided to drive into Taos since their elevation is quite lower.  Beautiful drive up and over the mountain and dropped down into Taos.  We had been here 5 years ago, did not remember the drive until we got right into town.  Then it all came back to us.  If you have not been to Taos - think art, crafts, lots of people.
Busy Taos Square
Asked Officer Martinez where Carson's grave was,
first time seeing an officer in shorts!
Lots of stands selling fresh produce
Our first stop was to Kit Carson Home and Museum.  He lived in Taos off and on for 18 years prior to he and his wife Josefa moving to Boggsville, Colorado to be near his doctor that was at Fort Union.  Small home but it was the style of the 1850's.  After to museum we walked to Taos Square which is the hub for Taos.  A farmer's market was going on and we bought a quick lunch then walked to see Kit Carson's grave.  After he died in Boggsville, shortly after he and Josefa's remains were moved to Taos as their final resting place.

Left Taos and decided to drive the Enchanted Circle which is a 80 mile circle around the Taos Pueblo Indians sacred mountain.  But first, we were so close to the Rio Grande River Gorge Bridge we stopped there and was awed by the scenery.
Rio Grande looking east towards Taos
Lots of locks - not sure legend
Can see river right below left span
Drove back into Taos and headed north.  Pretty drive, not sure why it was labeled as the second most scenic drive in the world (first being Japan) for fall foliage.  Got back to the RV by 4pm and all h--- broke loose.
Aspens were at the peak of changing
Pretty - aspens were quivering
The next door neighbor boy about 10 was shooting off arrows and one hit the motor home next door, shattering the driver's window.  Bob was sitting in the passenger seat, if the arrow would have pierced the screen too, he may have been killed.  A New Mexico State Trooper had to come to take the report since local sheriffs were busy - lots of Oktoberfest going on.  By 9:30pm he had gotten a confession out of one of the boys, he said that the arrow had been deflected off a building and then hit the RV, which we find hard to believe.  The officer also stated that he had problems with the statement but has turned over the case to the District Attorney for prosecution and financial reimbursement.  If the boy would have come over right away and said he did it, apologized and then the parents and our neighbor come to an agreement about payment - things would have gone smoother. Thank goodness no one was hurt - could have been tragic!!!!
Not a good picture of Trooper Gates
After the officer left and took the arrow as evidence, Dave and Bob worked on the window to try to clean it up and get it closed for the night.  Took over an hour to shake the glass loose, Dave got a few nicks on his hands from all the glass.  As far as we can tell we were not hit with an arrow.  The sound of the arrow hitting next door must have been that loud for us to feel it and hear it inside our unit.  Unbelievable.

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