Friday, May 10, 2013


We traveled over two sets of mountains and along some very scenic roads to get to Jerome, Arizona yesterday.  This is a town built on a side of a mountain where the residents lived, and worked underground in the United Verde copper mine.  Arizona was founded on the 5 C's - copper, cattle, cotton, citrus, and climate.  Jerome happened to be the largest copper producing mine in the early 20th century, and at one time the town boasted of 10,000 people.  Today there are maybe 500 folks left.  
Jerome State Park is located inside the Douglas Mansion - one of the early owners of the mine.  The mansion was pretty impressive - had many state of the art conveniences, like central vac system for the home and marble bathrooms.

We compared Bisbee's visit a couple of years ago with Jerome's history and although both were founded on the copper mining industry, how the two towns displayed their history is totally different.  Jerome was more about the town and the effects of the mines had - how the people lived, how many homes and businesses slid down the hill with landslides, the businesses that thrived, hospitals, schools for children, etc.  Bisbee is all about the mining industry, how the copper is mined, what happens to it once it leaves the mine, and you can even go on a tour underground in the old Copper Queen Mine (which we had done). Both towns are now populated by artisans and such - and many of the buildings have been refurbished.  Most of Bisbee's buildings still stand today whereas over half of the buildings of Jerome are gone - slid down the hill or fire/age destroyed.  Good thing there were many pictures.

No wow factor.  Interesting, educational.  Here's some pics of yesterday.

A little background on Arizona and gem producing

Front of the Douglas Mansion - State Park

Jerome as it looks today

We woke up early this morning to coyotes howling.  Then about 7am this scrawny thing came sauntering by.  Grace growled at it big time.  Then it walked over near the dog walk/exercise area - looking for breakfast I presume.

Scrawny coyote!

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