Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Ruby Mountains

Packed up this morning and drove 185 miles north on Rte 93 to a small town called Jackpot.  In Nevada, right on the border of Idaho. As of this afternoon we are 786 miles from our winter home in Picacho, Arizona.  Not bad for being out only 15 days!  We are actually parked in a casino's RV park, the casino is called Cactus Pete's and the RV park associated with it is called Saguaro RV Park.  If it wasn't for the 786 miles north I would say we are back in the Tucson area.

Deer migration tunne
The ride north was uneventful, riding along on a basin (remember - basin, ridge, basin, ridge?) and only went through one set of ranges (mountains) to get here.  Did cross under 2 deer crossing bridges.  The powers that be decided that animals should not be hit by cars and trucks and therefore they built these overpasses for the deer to use during their migration times and not get killed.  This particular tunnel was decorated with tiled hoof prints - pretty neat.  We saw a number of these underpasses in Wyoming and Montana last year for elk and pronghorn.

Independence Mountains
But the scenery - beautiful.  We remarked -  look at the snow and it's almost June.  The most spectacular set of mountains that we followed was the Independence Mountains with peaks as high as Wheeler Peak.

Another pretty cool thing - we watched another RV from the park we were in pack up and leave about 45 minutes ahead of us.  And guess what?  They pulled in here about 45 minutes after we did.  Small world.  Will we go to the casino and loose money?  No, have no plans to.  Only to visit their restaurant for breakfast tomorrow morning.  This little trip here is just an r-n-r stay - we will leave Thursday morning for Boise, Idaho where we will stay put through the holiday weekend.  Then move on again.

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