Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Life Altering Changes - COVID-19

We thought we would be heading out this summer to enjoy the big ole U S of A in our RV, but not only did world events change that decision, but some personal changes came into the picture.

When we got back this past fall, we were lined up with all the normal doctor's visits and dentist visits.
Everything was going fine until Dave started to complain about pain and discomfort.  Not only was he passing kidney stones but there were bladder stones getting caught up the whirl wind and getting lodged, passed, etc. Long story short, surgery done, then an ER visit the next day to get his pain level taken care of, and then recoup time.  During this recoup period, Dave blew a blood vessel in his eye and off to the eye doctor we rushed who said - rut roh - lets get some surgery done for a rare form of glaucoma.  Both eyes!  Yikes. He said, if you don't - you will loose your eyesight in both eyes.

On top of all this, we had discussed this past summer of possibly looking for another winter hide-away place and was looking around the Tucson area and stopped into an open house near the Catalina Mountains in Oro Valley.  That realtor found us an amazing place and we put the offer in WAY BEFORE all this started with Dave's surgeries.  After some negotiation we got the go-ahead and started the wait time.  Waited and waited and waited.  We gave them extra 30 days due to health issues of the wife. The transfer took 78 days.  Sheese.  Little did we know how fast and hard the COVID-19 was coming and the snowball effects that would cause.

COVID-19 hits and we got pretty nervous about having contracts continue, things delivered, or even canceled, was a very very stressful time.  But, by March 23, we have a new winter hide-away in our name and the old one in Picacho was under contract to be transferred by mid April (he also got caught getting movers, etc.).

With this pandemic, looks like we will be laying low and not head out for the summer as planned.  The whole world is changing because of this.  We are practicing laying low, staying at least 6 feet apart with everyone, when we go into stores, have our masks on and we use sanitizer like it's candy. We have driven to see the grand girls and they stay outside at the front door and we stand on the driveway and talk - a really weird situation.  But you have to be careful.

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