Friday, May 13, 2016

Now in Coarsegold, CA - Start of our Yosemite Adventure

We left Three Rivers this morning, took us a bit longer because our neighbor from Louisiana started asking all kinds of questions.  Did not want to be rude so we answered all we could, and then hooked up RV and car and moved on out.

As we came along Lake Kaweah Dam, the trees were now submerged under water.  I could see the campground had lost a couple of sites, those also being underwater.  The river was up even farther, we actually heard the river last night where in the past we could not.  A huge group of white water rafters were getting ready to go, they were tent camping right below us.  Even got a chuckle out of one camper - he was sleeping on the picnic table!
Only tippy tops of trees are not left
Pretty site with the marina at Lake Kaweah
Uneventful ride.  One of our shortest, 109 miles from campground to campground.  Drove past Fresno, even the roads got better and not as torn up. Now we are at Coarsegold, a small town south and west of Yosemite.  And we saw a sign for San Francisco that says 50 miles.  We are almost parallel to San Francisco in latitude.  But at the base of the mountains again.
Passed Fresno, population 1/2 million folks
We are staying at a KOA, something we don't usually do since it tends to be more expensive.  But.  All campgrounds I called were booked up, so we had to bite the bullet and come here.  Had to change sites once we checked in, the first one was very uneven and had deep ruts.  Seems they had flooding not too long ago and are still repairing and resurfacing sites.

We will be here for some time.  Yosemite National Park was on our bucket list for the past 5 years but we were turned away due to the fires they have had.  Hopefully we won't see or smell any of that and have a great visit.

Buddy - well, he did not do so good this trip.  I gave him half the dosage but I think because he didn't eat breakfast, the drug really got him.  As soon as we got to our second site he started puking.  Big time.  He literally laid down and I had to keep a rag under his chin.  He was miserable.  Even now - a good 10 hours later, he's still out of it.  Poor baby.  What a mess.  Now he just lays on his back and stares at us.  Sorry, Buddy.
Buddy said - I don't feel good

He stayed like this for over an hour

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