Thursday, June 25, 2015

Last Day in Lander, Wyoming

The day before we move to another place is clean day.  Laundry is done, RV is swept clean and wiped down, the tanks are emptied and chemical put in, start putting things away so the day of travel isn't so crazy.  I had decided to do ALOT of laundry this time which means bed linen stripped, extra blankets and sheets that we may have used cleaned, cat's beds also washed.  Went into Lander to the laundromat since I had many loads to do, and while I was sitting waiting for wash to get done to move stuff into dryers, I noticed a building right next door with NOLS on it.  Not sure what it was so when I got back I googled it - and was amazed.

Every time we had come into town to shop or pass through, you could see a number of young adults walking around, shopping.  Lots of stores for sports equipment and for clothing.  A cute town, very touristy, have many functions for the public - picnics, 10k run coming up, party in the park, etc. There is Central Wyoming College here, but it is not a large college, so I wondered why all the young people.

NOLS!  Remember the space shuttle that blew up?  The Columbia?  The entire crew of seven astronauts participated on a NOLS Professional Training course August 20-31, 2001 in the Wind River Range of Wyoming right here, and the news of the break up of the shuttle was very difficult for the NOLS community.  So when that happened, the town went into mourning.  NOLS is National Outdoor Leadership School.  Paul Petzoldt, a legendary mountaineer, had a dream. He wanted to train leaders. He wanted to help people learn to care about and protect the wilderness. Petzoldt saw his dream come to life in Wyoming that year. He called it the National Outdoor Leadership School and started up in 1965.  Classes can be tailored to a specific need or utilize the programs established.  As young as 12 can be enrolled.  And, NOLS is located all over the world.  Started at Sinks Canyon  back in 1965.  International headquarters right here in Lander. I am impressed.

Tomorrow we head to Thermopolis, Wyoming.  We had visited that town (only a 24 hour visit) back in 1991, so we wonder what has changed, if the hot springs are still there, the smell of sulfur just as strong.  Will stay there until Sunday the 5th the get through the holiday, and then move on to Cody, Wyoming.

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