Sunday, June 16, 2013

Wildhorse Casino and RV Park, Pendleton Oregon

Made the trip to Pendleton today, a quick 3 hours - 124 miles later, we are set up at the casino RV park on the Umatilla Indian Reservation. Geographically, we are just east of Pendleton, and about 20 miles south from the border of Washington.  This is the third casino we have camped at on this trip - two on Indian Reservations.  We purposefully don't seek them out - they just happen to come with high ratings on park reviews and they are central to where and what we want to do in the area.

I have to tell you about our last day in Clarkston - what a treat!  It seems that everyone and everything were giving us a grand goodbye - so many things happened that are now ingrained in our mind and memory forever.  We had pontoon airplane buzz by, lots and lots of fishing people doing their thing, weird people in even weirder RVs coming in to set up.  Paddle boat passing by, ospreys flying overhead, motorcycles buzzing by, lots of kids riding around on bikes too big for them and no helmets on - and zooming around and we were afraid they were going to get hit, we did not know where to look, so many things at one time.

Then the real fun started about noon when a bunch of pick up trucks with cowboys/cowgirls clamoring/falling out of the trucks, talking loudly, they were BIG people too, with coolers and crock pots of food.  Many of the party (females) were dressed in all shades of pink - the predominant shade of HOT PINK and on very large women - did not go well.  Our site was just past the office, right near the meeting room and indoor pool/laundry and of course they all parked their vehicles right around us.  We were witnessing a red-neck wedding!!! And wow, did we get an eyeful!  We saw some of the guests change clothes right there in front of us in the parking lot, the bridal party slurping down Jack Daniels from flasks - and passing the flasks around so all could get a tote. Women deep kissing men - was not sure who was with who - guess it didn't matter!  It was quite a warm day and then witnessed some of the women actually fanning themselves by picking up their dress skirt and swishing them up and down - saw some amazing things! Good thing they had panties on!  Was not a pretty site.

They were well behaved, but wow!  Could not tell who was the groom until I had to crash the reception - I was doing laundry and the only way to get to the laundry room was through their reception area and then had to wait until the bridal dances were done to escape out of there. Obviously did figure out who was bridge/groom but WOW, amazing to see.  I don't think I want to see hot pink anything for a very long time.

About 6pm more fun with more RVers coming in to park - had some real weirdos beside us.  Glad we left this morning.

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