Friday, October 19, 2012

Donkeys, Coyotes, and Sunsets

We have been very busy while here in Tombstone, can't believe we have been here two weeks already!  We spent last Thursday, Friday, Monday, and Tuesday up in Chandler doing grandgirl watching while Mom and Dad were at work. Was great to see them again after almost 5 months of us being on the road - how they have grown and matured! Now we will get to see them alot while here for the winter - Yay!

Donkeys being led home
Each night we are here we are serenaded with the coyotes - typically coming awake about 6:45pm and running all night, back and forth, howling, then quiet, then running by again.  At first we were elated to hear them, but now - it has become ho-hum, but I find I am woken up all the time as they pass - I still love it!  And no rhyme or reason as to when they first run by or when they stop for the night.  We find their scat (poop) markings at the fence line not far from us so they are close.  Yesterday we went on a hike on one of the trails here at the RV park, taking the fence line west, traveling about a mile total.  Saw lots of animal prints, some big marks - looked like horse tracks, and lots of people feet where some may also be hiking.  As we rounded the fence line along the road, still in desert sagebrush and various foliage that I should have learned by now, we came across 2 donkeys in a high fenced area, right near the front entrance to the RV park.  There was a woman inside the fence with them, hugging one of them while brushing the other.  One man was getting water and filling a bin inside while a third was walking along the fence for security for the donkeys.  Started up a conversation with the woman - are these your babies?  Yes, they ran away yesterday and found themselves in this RV park (it's fenced all around except at the  entrance way). She said the coyotes spooked them and they took off, they tracked them yesterday for awhile but lost the trail.  She said they will come back in the morning and walk them back to their place - not sure where but I think it's a far piece to walk them (maybe 3 miles?), said they are really spooked and won't stand a ride in the trailer - will have to walk them home.  Sure enough, about an hour ago Dave took their picture as they were being walked out.
Beautiful Sunsets - looking towards California

Sunsets?  Well, just about every night we are given the most spectacular show, almost as good as Santa Fe skies, almost.  And many mornings are just as colorful.  The mornings scare us - being tuned into the weather during our time as sailors on Lake Erie - we remember the saying, "Red sky at night - sailors delight. Red sky in morning - sailors take warning."  Within two hours of sunrise the skies clear to crystal blue and no warning is sounded.  Absolutely beautiful day. Every day.

We pack up the RV, or should I say unload, and take it into the RV dealer on the 29th.  From then on we will be in Picacho.  This is a lovely place - we will miss it when we leave.

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