Tuesday, June 5, 2012


We brought the RV out of storage and parked beside the park model, and cleaned the inside really good.  We had the outside washed as well as the truck by a company that specializes in washing RVs.  We had planned to head out on the 1st of June to Pinetop-Lakeside in the White Mountains which is north and east of Phoenix.  Temps there are also about 30 degrees cooler.  Our plans were to chill out, getting used to the RV living again, then head north - with our next stop at Navajo Valley National Monument.  And now we wait. There are wild fires in the mountains that we are watching and obviously we don't want to get caught in that.  There has been no rain since January - everything is in a severe drought and extreme conditions regarding fire hazards.  What I am surprised about is that trees are still green, the cactus are blooming, life is lush - in terms of dessert conditions.

Last week Dave started to feel pretty punky and ended up Thursday at our doctor's urgent care and he was diagnosed with sinus infection and bronchitis.  Medicine abounded.  Sunday he was not getting better, he was worse with pains in his leg, and, I was beginning to feel punky.  Yesterday morning we trekked back to the urgent care and now I have the sinus infection with bronchitis and he has an added diagnose of shingles.  Are we a mess or what?  So we sit tight, resting, drinking and eating our shlop for medicines.  And comfortable in the park model.  We still have about 2 days of packing the RV up, getting the fridge going so we can put food in it and then we can go.  Maybe, if we are well enough, we will be out by this Sunday.  The full-time residents here are sad we are sick but glad we are here.  They are all saying - why not stay all summer?  They don't want us to go.The doctor said she wasn't surprised that we have bronchial problems - too much smoke and dirt in the air.

Yesterday morning we captured and killed a diamond back rattlesnake, just looping across the roadway down two spots from us.  So, that makes 3 killed that we know of since May.  Great.  We need to get out of here!

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