We have been kid sitting every Tuesday and Thursday at Jill's, and for the most part on
weekends, follow the middle granddaughter, Emi, to where ever her soccer team is playing. We have also made it back to Mount Lemmon which we see to the south. It is snow covered still and last Sunday when we went there, it was their last day of skiing - the snow is melting too fast. Something else that has occupied our time 24/7 - Chip has gotten very ill - almost lost him about three weeks ago. You have to understand - he has been with us for 14 years, has to be one of the most intelligent cats we have owned, and is our baby. We found a great female vet in Tucson and with encouragement and alot of contact with her over the last couple of weeks, we have gotten him back. I give him laxatives two times a day and he's on food that doesn't produce any solid waste - he has a mass that is obstructing his bowel and therefore can't poop. But - he's not in pain, gotten his appetite back after loosing a number of pounds, is quite playful at times, and can't say that he is fine - he's holding his own and is better than he was a month ago. Our poor Chip. Needless to say, we both watch him closely - his every move. Just like an elderly person -we are so happy when there is a 'BM' out of him, we praise him and pet him - but we see it also takes it toll on him. We are not ready to say goodbye to him - will do everything to keep him going as long as there is no pain. On a lighter note - our new 'RV' has arrived at Picacho Peak and we hope by the end of the
week we will have the keys and ownership to it. We have purchased very little furniture, have been looking and talking about what would fit, but will wait until we are in it to do any more big purchases. We plan to stay here this spring until we feel that when we come back late fall, we will be comfortable and can move right in. Once we get in this week or so, we have to make arrangements to get the 5th wheel in for service, then the truck in and get new tires on the truck. Cha-ching. Very expensive winter here, but exciting! Today the window treatment guy is coming to give us an estimate on solar outside coverings, then the concrete work begins and the awning to be installed, the HVAC hooked up, the water done, alot to do in a couple short days! But can't wait!!!

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