We moved Saturday, about 92 miles north of Benson, to Picacho Peak RV Resort, a 55+ community right off I10. We are about 55 minutes

from the three granddaughters, so this is a great place for us. No problems getting here, took us some time to decide which site we wanted - wanted to back into a spot looking out over wash area where we thought that a) the cats would be busy watching the birds and wildlife, and b) we are up close to the base of Picacho Peak Mountain away from all the people coming in or out. Stunning view out our windows to see the sun rise over the mountains on our left and then have the sun set on our right side, pass right over the peaks of Picacho. We see saguaro (sah-war-o) cacti, palo verde trees, mesquite trees, many different kinds of desert fauna - should be pretty in a couple of months when things start to bloom. We even have our own saguaro right behind our unit! And, yesterday as we were settling in, Chip and Grace saw a mommie woodpecker and her 2 babies crawling around the saguaro yelling at each other. Lots of hummingbirds - will have to go out and get a feeder or two. We just realized that since the end of August we have been camping in view of some mountain range. Today as we look south towards Tucson, we can see the Catalina Mountains are snow capped. Pretty cool. We will be here for about 2 plus months, not sure what the middle of February and on will bring if we decide to move north.
Yesterday we drove to Mesa, AZ which is about 20 miles east of Phoenix, where our middle granddaughter Emi had a soccer tournament. Her team did great - came in first place at the end of the day. After the game we all grabbed dinner at one of our favorite restaurants in Arizona - the Sweet Tomato. Our son-in-law's parents just arrived the day before for a 6 week visit and we will plan some fun things to do with them during their stay. We said our goodbyes and drove the hour trip south to the campground. Jill is thrilled we will be this close to them for a couple of months. Will be a fun couple of months!
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