This morning we were buzzed by a plane. Did not understand what was going on until it came back over about 2 minutes later. And again, and again. It was a crop duster, dropping probably our death dosage of DDT or something to kill the mosquitoes. Yes, the
Friday, August 19, 2011
Killer Plane
Last night we walked down to the lake and watched a beautiful sunset to the west and with a storm just north of us with thunder, could not see
the lightning. Just gorgeous! Until we got rained on - and scrambled back to the camper. Only lasted about 15 minutes but did cool it down. We are very concerned about tomorrow's leaving out of here - we have sunk down in the back and late yesterday I talked with the owner about the flooding, etc. Told him our concern about pulling out. He said - don't worry - I have a huge tractor that will pull you out without a problem. So, if in the morning we are struggling, Dave will let them hook up the Turtle and haul it's shell out of our campsite. The owner said that he had 60 overnight camp sights last year and he's down to 10 and will probably close down the 10 soon. The water he said will still rise since the dam down the river has not been opened up more to release. He said, I quote, Dang Indians!
This morning we were buzzed by a plane. Did not understand what was going on until it came back over about 2 minutes later. And again, and again. It was a crop duster, dropping probably our death dosage of DDT or something to kill the mosquitoes. Yes, the
mosquitoes are just as bad here as everywhere else. Both Dave and I - being so stupid as we thought about it - were sprayed with droplets of stuff. But, like a great photographer - got some great pictures. See how close this guy is? Looks like he's hitting the office right near where we are. And you can see the chemical he's spraying. We will sit tight today, relax, I probably will do laundry, just enjoy not rushing around. We are supposed to get a new neighbor beside us, so are waiting to see who it will be. Just glad to be leaving, living on an incline has kept us vigilant - don't want to fall. Our balance is way off from us sinking in the back.
This morning we were buzzed by a plane. Did not understand what was going on until it came back over about 2 minutes later. And again, and again. It was a crop duster, dropping probably our death dosage of DDT or something to kill the mosquitoes. Yes, the
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